Nurse's Corner
Michelle Kilbashian, R.N., CSN
Bloomingdale Avenue School
Contact Information
Phone Number: 908-709-6973
Start the day off right. If at all possible eating breakfast as a family is a perfect time to bond and spend quality time together while preparing a healthy breakfast. Eggs with whole grain toast, fruit and yogurt, or whole grain unsweetened cereal with milk and berries are several great choices. A meal of protein and fiber will help children feel satisfied till lunch.
Skip the added sugar. Children who eat foods high in added sugars tend to eat fewer healthy foods that are good for their heart. Added sugar provides no nutritional benefits and is found in a wide range of food from cookies, ketchup, salad dressings, smoothies to sweetened yogurts.
Swap juice for whole fruit. I am an advocate for feeding your children whole fruit instead of juice. Pack a healthy snack. Pack at least one fruit and veggie...snacks include fresh fruit (apple, pear, and bananas), Greek yogurt, baby carrots with hummus, roasted edamame and of course water.
Keep portions healthy. Serve healthy portion sizes. Fill a small plate half with veggies and a quarter with protein (think fish and chicken) and the other quarter with a healthy starch (brown rice, sweet potato). Limit eating in front of the TV and pre-portion snacks into 100 calorie portions.
Skip white food. Since bagels, white rice and white pasta are refined grains and are easy to overeat, they contain virtually no fiber so we do not feel satisfied after eating them. Introduce your children to quinoa, whole grain pasta and brown rice - help them get into the habit of enjoying these grains.
Get moving. Sports and exercise are a great way to keep them healthy while also keeping their weight in check. Enroll children in after school activities, enjoy a walk or bike ride with them whenever possible.
Hope your school year gets off to a great start!